Time for some Maths

In Papatūānuku this term we are learning all about TIME! Throughout the day we look at the clock and are learning to tell the time. We are also learning about what we do in the morning, afternoon, evening. We are even looking at how long a second, minute, hour, day, month and year is. We have been exploring the different things that we can in a second, a minute and an hour.

Whaea Emma’s Maths group have been looking at calendars. Today we looked at the important parts of a calendar, talked about what it can be used for and put our important dates on the calendar in our studio. Here is some of our learning. Do you have a calendar at home?

Seasons of the Year

Whaea Emma’s Maths group have been learning about seasons of the year in preparation for our unit on Time in term 2. Here are some of the Creates made as part of this learning. We used Pic collage, Canva and old-school art supplies. We hope you enjoy our interpretations of each season.

Persuasive Writing

This term we learned all about persuasive writing. We learned about writing an introduction, middle and closing, and convincing people with our ideas.

Then, it was time to put our skills to the test! We wrote our very own stories with lots of persuasion power. Some of us talked about eating healthy, others about why dancing was the best and heaps of other brilliant ideas!

We got to stand up in front of our class and share our stories. It was a little scary at first, but then it was super fun! We used our big, strong voices and made eye contact with our friends. They listened really carefully and even clapped at the end.  👏😊

Now, we feel like real persuasion pros!

Harold and Jo visit Rāwhiti School

During week 9, Harold and Jo from Life Education came to Rāwhiti School. We were so lucky to have two sessions learning all about our basic needs – e hiahia ana tōku tinana. For each session, we walked out to the Life Education van and carefully climbed inside. It was so exciting to look at all of the interesting things posted all over the walls. Harold was really funny and he told us some jokes. Jo ran some fun activities and with Harold’s help, she taught us about the 9 things our body needs. Our body needs water, food, exercise, sleep, oxygen, shelter, safety, love and washing. We learnt what a heart actually looks like and the size of it in our body.

We can’t wait for Harold to come back
