Junior Cross Country and HAL Afternoon

After some terrible weather and a week’s delay, we finally had our Junior Cross Country and HAL Afternoon on Friday. After lunch, we all headed out to the astroturf ready for our races. The year 3s started us off by running the 1 km loop around the school. Then the year 2s and 1s followed behind. Finally, we cheered on our new entrances from Aotahi who ran a slightly shorter loop. We had so much fun celebrating when everyone came over the finish line!

After the races were completed, we got to go and take part in the different HAL activities around the school! There was an inflatable, capture the flag, Go Noodle, picnic games, gymnastics, football, basketball and playing on Hikihiki.

We finished the day altogether with our annual tug-of-war competition! Thank you to all the friends and whānau who came down to support us and to the tuākana who ran alongside us!